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Tube Settler

Tube settler is a system used for clarification. It uses multiple tubular channels sloped at an angle of 60° and adjacent to each other, which combine to form an increased effective settling area. It captures the settleable fine floc that escapes the clarification zone beneath the tube
settlers and allows the larger floc to travel to the tank bottom in a more settleable form. Thetube settler’s channel collects solids into a compact mass which promotes the solids to slidedown the tube channel.


1. Clarifiers/basins equipped with tube settlers can operate at 2 to 4 times the normal rate of clarifiers/basins without tube settlers.
2. New installations using tube settlers can be designed smaller because of increased flow capability.
3. Flow of existing water treatment plants can be increased through the addition of tube settlers.
4. Tube settlers increase allowable flow capacity by expanding settling capacity and increasing the solids removal rate in settling tanks.