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HERO Mobile Water Treatment

Natural disasters and calamities due to worsening climate change are all effects of so called “Globalization”. You can never tell when will it happen and how big will be the results aftermath. Maybe we may know where it will happen or will give us enough time to prepare but the question is “How prepared are we?”. We can address this issue by preparing not only ourselves but also with the equipment and tools that we need to survive.

Potable drinking water is one of the very important necessities in living, aside from food and shelter. You can live without food for a while but you cannot last without water. In line with this, our company promotes a custom- built Mobile water treatment unit designed to treat from tap water to river water and make it safe and clean potable drinking water.

We call it “H E R O” MOBILE WATER TREATMENT UNIT, where HERO stands for:

This will be used at the time it needed most during Disaster Relief Operations.

Also, with this HERO Mobile Water Treatment unit, you can supply potable drinking water to those areas that are not reached by your local water supply by bringing HERO MWT with your delivery tankers and treat the water for drinking on site.


1. Unrivalled water quality through chemical dosing with coagulation and flocculation process, pre-filtration, ultrafiltration, ozonation, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet disinfection process.
2. Minimal equipment footprint compared to traditional treatment process.
3. Minimal energy is required for our system to operate.
4. Our system is tailor-made to your specific requirement and can be easily customized.
5. Our Mobile water treatment unit will be trailer mounted making it suitable for disaster relief operations in remote areas.
6. High recovery rates and better specific energy required for the membranes.